- Company : (주)SSET (Smart Systems Engineering Technology)
- Establishment : 11998. 04
- Call. : +82-1577-3511
- Web Site : www.sset.co.kr
- E-mail : sset@sset.co.kr
- Head office : 41, Dalseo-daero 58-gil, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, 704-801 Rep. of KOREA
- Seoul / Gyeonggi-Do Office : 89, Gyeonggigwagidae-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 429-854 Rep. of KOREA
- China office : Chuangye Building No.916, Zhongxin Road No.8-28, Shajingn Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong
SSET Co., Ltd. started with Samsung HwanGyong in 1998 year.
Based on Auto parts production and Environmental plant Businesses
for environmental improvement of the companies.
"SSET" is doing effort to be the Future First Class Company.
We, SSET family, for many years on behalf of customers satisfaction and technology development based on the infinite spirit of service, with the aim of to become a Leader in the field of High-Tech industrial machines such as Automotive components and automation equipment development, with the all one's might, Continuously doing effort to influence on the development of cutting-edge technology.
The VISION of SSET is to be in congruence with the challenge and innovation, and overall competitiveness. To become a First Class Company.
To create a foundation of Dream place for whole SSET family, and living with Customer Satisfaction Management for customers. We promise to grow to a Good and Strong Company.